
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Warrior Marks Essay -- essays research papers

Warrior MarksFemale circumcision is a traditional ritual that is mostly honorable in Africa on young misfires with ages that vary from birth to pre-pubescent. It is reported to bring forth its origins (with varying degrees of reliability) in ancient Egypt. Female circumcision was in any case discovered organism practiced in western India and eastern Asia until it was outlawed around the identification number of the 20th century ( third estate era). The procedure is varied through three various types of circumcision Infibulation, clitoridectomy and Sunna. Clitoridectomy and Sunna argon minor version of the circumcision with Infibulation world the most drastic. These practices cause serious health hazards in some women, which construct greater in adult years with the introduction of menstruating, intercourse and childbirth.Clearly, on that point mustiness be a military unitful reason for this procedure to pass off given the complications and mandatory repetitious post surg eries. Some accounting must be taken in order to under dead end why women ar put in such peril. The answer lies in purification. A persons culture and background define the belief system and understanding that a person holds as innate truth. All choices and decisions are made because of culture and boththing that is in direct opposition to culture affects the decision process and their beliefs. Other in-chief(postnominal) elements to understanding the continuance of female circumcision are social and religious traditions, power/alienation relationships, and aesthetic tastes. Is this longstanding tradition necessary and if so are there ways to incorporate much conducive (sterile instruments, medically certified/experienced doctors, age limit, etc.) methods of performing the operation? However unnecessary an noncitizen may think the practice is, the irrevocable fact is that this tradition is an main(prenominal) element of cultural identity. If the operation somehow was not com pleted by a certain age in the girls life, she would be encouraged by her peers as well as her elders to seek out and request the circumcision. divers(prenominal) from most traditional practices in African, female circumcision is exclusively reserved for womens presence and men are excluded from detailed knowledge of specific events. Females ordinarily surrender these operations performed on them before or at puberty. It is common for the mother or other close relative usually holds the girl in pa... ...iciently abhorrent that we leave alone actively work to change the behavior.I would recommend that the United Nations take a more practical stand on the issue and begin to put in place alternatives that will at the very least make the practice of female circumcision more sanitary. These organizations offer condoms to reduce the spread of aids and food resources to incite hefty eating habits so they should begin to train these countries to complete the practice in exact medical f orm. This does no mean that the United Nations or any other organization agrees with the practice, it simply means that positive efforts are being made towards reducing unnecessary after effects. We will never be able to address whether or not the process is necessary because we do not understand the culture. However, we can make it better. Everyone in America does not agree with abortion, which could be considered female genital mutilation, however the choice to have the procedure done is available and it is available under medically educate doctors that are focused on keeping the patient safe. The patients of female circumcision should also have these options available. To understand does not mean to condone.

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