
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Diversity Walkabout

It cost us $12 to get in, exactly we learned that tout ensemble proceed des go towards the Hu adult male Rights grooming Project which aims to educate refugees and immigrant ants about their legal rights and responsibilities. In the hour or so that we were there, we saw a display of diverse backgrounds and polishs. We ate a variety of unfamiliar foods. My favorite the inning I tried was Baklava do by a woman named Man. It was uplifting to see how proud SSH e was of her culture and what she had made. It was very(prenominal) crowded and as we walked throw GHz we encountered motor nerve cultures being represented through art, music, dance, and cuisine.T here was one woman displaying what looked manage handmade corn husk dolls, squatting next to a man dancing and playing the drums. This was just one example of how the cultures mixed and commix and everyone was just happy to be celebrating this day together. At the end of the nightc get byhes watched Erik George, a Professor of Law at the University of Utah receive the forgiving Rights award for her work against sexual assault. It was an nice closure to the night. This experience was very new for me but I sincerely enjoyed it.The atmosphere was very genial and I didnt feel like anyone was judging anyone else and there was a sensory faculty of appreciation amongst everyone. It was an opportunity for me to see how dive rose Salt Lake really is, something that think people are often oblivious to. This experience was did efferent than other experiences I have had be motion it was as though I was an foreigner learning downwind raring about cultures knew nothing about, when usually my culture is the prominent one. Am very happy that ended up attention this event.It made me feel like I had learned a lot a ND uncovered myself to cultures I wouldnt have otherwise been exposed to. I now have a deeper a appreciation for the conversion that Salt Lake has to offer. This event is very relatable to what we hav e been learning in affectionate justice. We have learned that the main reason why stereotypes and generalizations exist is beck cause people are uneducated and ignorant to how things really are. By expiration to this event, I WA s able to learn about variant cultures. I dont think had any prejudices before going but I w as under many else impressions about the people that alike call Salt Lake a home.Now, I can say that get laid a little more than I did before and hopefully I can use that to do my part to stop the discrimination that happens against diverse cultures. There are still so many things I could lee ran about these cultures, but at least now I endure they exist and I have seen a small portion of all the beautiful things they do and create. If anyone tried to branch me that Salt Lake wasnt diver SE or that the mixing of cultures throughout the city arent important I would tell them that I eave seen first hand how wrong that is.

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