
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Philosophy of Nursing Leadership Essay

I have worked in wellness business organisation for everywhere thirteen years both as natural scare agree and as an informal leader and as an appointed manager. Throughout this cultivate I have experienced many an(prenominal) different feelings towards my managers and experienced some(prenominal) different types of caution styles as related to our recent caution ideal learning. A prior class text book definition states ism looks at the nature of things and aims to leave behind the meaning of the care for phenomena. Philosophies are the broadest in scope and provide a broad discernment (Blaise & Hayes 2002 p. 98). unite a defined leadership theory with my own mortalal nursing ism engages a higher level of understanding most personal concepts and ideas of my past experiences and the possibility for growth as a leader. Peter Druckers theory in regards to involving the entire organization in planning and establishing the counseling process has been implemented for many years at my current employment, to accept weekly staff meetings with open discussions and an anonymous drop box for problems or ideas to be shared with upper management.We also give one-hundred dollar motivator to any employee who presents a new idea or plan and the hospital corporation agrees to use it. This form of staff participation in leadership by Peter Drucker was used to advise the heads of General Motors, Sears, General Electric, W.R. free grace and IBM, among many others. Often times Drucker completeered his management advice to non-profits same the Ameri rotter rose-cheeked Cross and the Salvation Army. Druckers theory in the health care displace encourages individual autonomy and embraces the ideal of leaders not organism born notwithstanding can should be taught and encouraged to use their exceed judgments for every unique situation. Drucker is quoted as stating Leadership is something scientific but has nice expression.Artistic expression is individualize d and when an organization encourages this individuality of its members the results can in turn provided broader solutions and opportunity for growth.This form of collaboration of many different unique perspective and special skills are self-asserting in todays health care system as specifically outlined by the American toy withs Association (ANA) recognition of the expertise of others inwardly and outside the profession, and referral to those other providers when appropriate (2003, p.8) The increasing competitive nature of health care and ever changing technology and change make it imperative for a health care organization to work together as a team for the betterment of the persevering outcomes and a hospitals long term viability.Personal Growth as a Nurse LeaderWith review of my personal experiences in my nursing career, I can now jibe the obvious management transitions that took place at the instalment I worked at. When I first started working, I basically felt like a war m body only there to perform trustworthy tasks at certain times and felt of no real cheer to actual hospitals overall revenue or outcome. sounding back at the management style from that time, I felt no real structure or individual importance toward the outcome of the hospital I worked for. The hospital was a non-profit, government owned facility and the resulting management style is easily related to the Laissez-faire leadership form. With this sights off (Finkleman, p6) form of management comes a great lack of feeling of auspices or capability to grow and learn as a nurse. three year after working there a new caller-up bought out our hospital and many extreme changes happened. Computer charting came in, new managers, new rules, new standards and many people left because of these changes. Not because they were bad changes but because they simply did not want to accept change.With these changes emerged a new management technique that follow the Drucker philosophy of encouragin g staff participation, goal setting and leadership learning with in the hospital. I will never entomb the first time the hospital administrator came up to me, shook my hand and simply asked how everything on my nursing unit was going. If I had any problems or concerns. This form of management encouraged professional growth and self-esteem. I became much familiar with small skills such as intravenous access, medications, equipment and general patient involvement, I began to find myself more interested in the art of health care and learning. Challenges and learning became my journey and led me to a management baffle in theemergency room department. I grew as a person and as a nurse.I learned so many things to the highest degree health care and genuinely cared for my co-workers. Their input was invaluable and befriended us stimulate new policies and systems to give our patients better care. I learned mostly about myself and who I cherished to be as a person and a leader or examp le to other nurses. I became very positive(p) after ten years in this department and enjoyed the teamwork of this area and wanted to be able to do more with this invaluable acquired knowledge. I came to an understanding of a nurses ability to provide their perspectives and past experiences to help other care for the patients.In conclusion, with the educational advancements and experience I anticipate to continue to learn how to be an effective leader. I would like to see our organization encourage some the emotional intelligence theory philosophy into our practice to encourage stronger relationships between all staff. As stated in (Finkelman, 2011 p 10), emotional intelligent leadership is key to creating a working climate that nurtures its employees and encourages them to do their best with enthusiasm, in turn this pays off in improved business performance. I believe that all people inherently want to be recognized for what they do and need positive reinforcement. With succeedin g(a) leadership roles I hope to incorporate both of these leadership theories of including the employees in the organizations plans, group problem solving and building good leaders on with stronger emotional relationships built on encouragement and positive reinforcement to provide an open positive learning environment with strong inter employee relationships.ReferencesBlais, K., & Hayes, J. (2002). paid nursing practice. (2011 ed., Vol. 6, pp. 2, 27-29, 268). Upper gable roof River, NJ Pearson. Retrieved from http//www.pearsonhighered.comFinkelman, A.(2006).Leadership and Management for Nurses. (2011 2nd ed., pp. 5-13).Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson. Retrieved from http//www.pearsonhighered.comNursing Times. (2011) Leadership Skills for Nurses. Retrieved from http//www.nursingtimes.net/Journals/2011/j/n/i/Leadership-Skills-for-Nurses.pdf

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