
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

History: Sociology and Karl Marx Essay

Sociology is the study of volume within a beau monde. triplet important Modernist Thinkers Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max weber ar the three important figures in sociology. During the time of the modernist thinkers, they played a role in sociology thinking. This paper testament explore the importance on why these three figures ar con slopered modernist thinkers. What thither main focus was and how they atomic number 18 considered a modernist thinker. Karl Marx was born in 1818. He was a Ger gentleman philosopher who believed that material goods ar part of the kindly world. Marx was committed to revolutionist. Marx was severe to influence the friendly movement. fit to Marx, the ideal g everywherenment would be a communist state where re inaugurations are equally share. Marx was involved in political and social issues which later on lead to to a greater extent than a communist theory. Marx theory on history is focused on whether or not prepareliness will rise and fall. Based on this theory Marx was influenced by Hegel.Marx belief on history evolved from many unpredictable directions. Marx was trying to explain the analysis of capitalistic within societies and the economic failures that were produced. He suggested distinct socialist remedies. In the article Contribution to the Critique of Hegels ism of Right by Karl Marx, The foundation of irreligious criticism is Man makes devotion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has any not yet won through to himself, or has already anomic himself again. But man is no abstr comport being squatting distant the world. Man is the world of man state, rules of order in other quarrel Marx was thinking about how a human being could exist. Religion is underage on economics such as state and society Marx explained that capitalist takes more of our productive repulse where as religion we believe on that point is a god or to be foreseeed that there is a god. According to Karl Marx, alienated labor is the process of capitalism.We create dominates us. The difference of alienated labor is the traffichip of the worker to the product of labour, the second is the relationship of the labour to the act of production, and lastly is the difference is man is a species-being not only in that practically and theoretically he makes both his own and other species into his objects (15) this is the consequences of man alienation of production from work. thus man is opposed from himself. Social variegate fits with Karl Marx perspective because Karl Marx believed there needed to be a better society and with a social diverge there was going to be conflict. adept of the conflicts was the class conflict, the capitalist. With social metamorphose he was able to produce a better society even though there were going to be economic problems. Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist argued that society had to be studied on its own. He wa s the primary of society. In Durkheims perspective society influences undivided through norms and social facts.The way of life an individual think or acts is established as a proper domain which is defined as a constraint in Durkheim perspective. Constraint is used to identify the reason butt end social facts. A constraint holds cater over an individual and becomes stronger over re meet. He believed that societies are held in concert by values. Durkheim main focus was the headache of social order, how does modern society hold together given the individualism of an individual. In the article suicide Durkheim connects division of labour and anomie. In felo-de-se he connects the analysis of suicide, by exploring the different rates, different places and to explain how they are different. Emile Durkheim treats religion by according to the article In the Human means of Religion, Durkheim differentiates religion in the context of social life.It states religion is a reverberate of society and that in fact what people take to be the terra firma of the sacred is society itself(68), in other words religion is a reflection of society. The importance function of religion is to make us act. He states If among certain peoples the ideas of sacredness, the soul and God are to explain sociologically, it should be presumed scientifically that, in principle, the uniform explanation is valid from all the peoples among whom these same ideas are found with the same characteristics (68). Based on this article religion is the substance of life, it provides support and authority figures. Religion impacts and influences society and effects different social norms an individual. Based on my understanding social inter variety does fit with Durkheim perspective. Therefore in the article Division of Labour in Society, Durkheim focuses on the gillyflower of connecting individual with wizard another with society, he analysis the social change and explains the conflict in mod ern society.In Durkheim perspective what unite us is called social solidarity which brings individuals together. In the article it states Society it not seen in the same aspect in the two cases. In the first, what we call society is more or less organized totality of beliefs and sentiments the society in which we are solidarity in the second instance is system of different, special functions which definite relations unite (107) meaning solaridity is based on similarity because it binds us together but is different because we are different people. With Durkheim producing social change it was rock-bottom by social reform. Max Weber was a German sociologist. Weber agreed with Marx that individuals had to fight to protect their own property and interest. He to a fault agreed with French sociologist Durkheim that people interest is determined by shared values. Weber believed in causality.There were multiple causes on why people behave the way they do according to him. He also believed t hat society is more of rationality and bureaucracy. Sociology should be more of a social action according to Weber. Weber work was the process of rationalization. Rationalization is where rules and laws dominate sectors of society in the model of a bureaucracy. According to Weber Class, Status, company the way in which social honor is distributed in a community mingled with typical grounds participating in this distribution we may call the social order. The social order and the economic order are, of course, alike related to the legal order (102), class, status and party was a source of social conflict that became a social difference. Class and status influences one another where as parties live in a house of power (106) in other words Weber was trying to explain that these spheres are connected by distribution of power.Status makes up the social order and classes are the economic order each promotes power and social change In the article Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitali sm focuses on the religions ideas and economic behavior as part of the rationalization of the economic system. It states We foot treat ascetic Protestantism as a single whole. But Since that side of English Puritanism which was derived from Calvinism gives the most consistent religious basis for the idea of affair , we shall, following our previous method , place one of its representatives at the center of the discussion(158).Weber explore the emergency of capitalism was by an ascetic centre of sacrifice.The development of capitalism was influences by Calvinism. In the society of this time they had more highly capitalist who were Protestants. Social change fits with Weber perspective because in the article bureaucratism, it states The principles of office hierarchy and of levels of graded authority mean a firmly ordered system of super- and subordination in which there is a supervision of lower offices by the higher ones (89) bureaucracy is a social order where as the authority w ho changes the order it becomes a social change to society. In conclusion three important figures of sociology were Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Each three were considered modernist thinkers for sociology. yet though they all had different theories and ideas, Marx believed economics was the force of social change where Weber though religion was.ReferenceEmile Durkheim selections from Division of tire in Society From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological guess (Pine Forge Press, 2008)Emile Durkheim selections from Suicide From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008)Emile Durkheim The Human content of Religion From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory Roots and Branches (Oxford University Press, 2008).Karl Marx Alienated Labor From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory Roots and Branches (Oxford University Press, 2008).Karl Marx Contribution to the Critique of Hegels Philosophy o f Right From ChristopherHitchens (ed) The Portable Atheist (Nation Books, 2009)Max Weber Bureaucracy From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory Roots and Branches (OxfordUniversity Press, 2008). Max Weber Class, Status, Party From Peter Kivisto (ed) Social Theory Roots and BranchesMax Weber selections from Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism From Scott Appelrouth and Laura Edles (eds.) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pine Forge Press, 2008).

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