
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Promotion Mix Essay

1. IntroductionPromotion is the grocerying term apply to describe all marketing communications activities. Integration of all the elements of progression unite is necessary to meet the information requirements of all target customers. This solely means that the onward motion combine is not designed to satisfy yet the prospective buyer or only the regular buyer. Some elements of the mix may be aimed at the target customer who is un apprised of the harvest-home, time some others may be aimed at potential customers who ar fully aware of the product and are likely to purchase it. All the elements of the mix play their roles in bringing about the sale. The elements of the promotion mix must be coordinated and integrated so that they reinforce and complement each other to create a blend that cooperates in achieving the promotional objectives of the organization.1.2 Elements of promotional mixPersonal SellingSales PromotionPublic Relation sight Fairs and ExhibitionsAdvertising SponsorshipOnline Promotions1.3 Factors influencing promotion mix The funds available for the activityirrespective of what the right proportions of a promotion exercise are, it is the funds available that are really crucial in determine the finalpromotional mix. It is only a concern with the requisite financial resources that can begin and imbibe a promotional effort through. The nature of the marketThe first market factor is the position of a product in its life cycle. The insertion of primary demand, hitherto n mavenxistent, is the primary task during the introductory format therefore, a high level of promotion effort is needed to explain a new product to potential customers. The nature of the productIn determining the promotional mix the nature of the product being offered must be assessed given that creating awareness say for a consumer product is quite a different kettle of fish compared to whats required for an industrial product. The products lifecycle stageDetermining th e promotional mix accurately besides calls for an assessment of the four lifecycles that a product goes through. At introduction a product must be presented to the customers and thus creating awareness is the biggest concern. Personal exchange and public relations are very applicable. At the growth stage there is already some awareness so advertising is applicable in strengthening the brand name. At maturity advertising the Great Compromiser applicable in fending off the competition. Finally, during sales decline a business will want to substantially cut down on promotional efforts.1.4 Basic objectives of promotion To present information to consumers as well as others. To increase demand. To differentiate a product1.5 Role of Promotion To authorize with individuals, groups or organizations directly or indirectly. Facilitate exchanges by informing and persuading one or more audiencesto accept an organizations products. Communicate with their customers. design communication to yo ur specific target audience.1.6 Scope of the canvassThe present reading is an attempt to analyze the existing promotional mix and its effectiveness in organizational growth and development.1.7 Objective of the study To identify the promotion tools apply in Elite super market To measure the influence of promotion mix To asses the responses of the consumers towards the promotional strategies To suggest measures for promoting sales To identify the consumer preference To help in developing promotional plans of the conjunction1.8 Research methodology1.8.1 Sources of entropyPrimary selective informationIt was collected through consumer survey and personal interview. The try out size was 50 customers.Secondary dataIt was collected through books, journals, organizational manuals, magazines, documents and internet.Analytical tools Tables Charts Graphs1.9 Limitations of the study There can be reporting twine on the part of respondents The sample selection is restricted to 50 consumers callable to time constraints Financial constraints effect the reliability of the study Being a student work, the project also helds the inherent limitations of lack of expertise The study is restricted to elite super market and findings cannot be generalized proposal of the StudyThe findings of the study are chapterized into 7 chapters. The first chapter consists of the introduction regarding the topic, scope, objectives, explore methodology and limitations of the study. The second chapter includes the review of literature. Third chapter consists of the industry profile. The fourth chapter is the company or organizational profile. Fifthchapter is presentation and analysis of data. The sixth chapter consists of the findings and recital and the last chapter is the conclusion. In addition to this, bibliography is annexed. The appendix portion covers the secondary data formats, structured interview schedule, etc.

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