
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Global Awareness on AIDS Essay

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( aid) is caused by human immunodeficiency virus, a virus that can be passed from person to person through informal fluids blood and breast milk. Worldwide the majority of human immunodeficiency virus infections atomic number 18 genetical through sex between men and women, and half of all adults vitality with HIV are women. Certain groups of people take a crap been particularly moved(p) and these include injecting drug users, sex workers and men who have sex with men. slave trade has been an ongoing business interaction between multiple countries during the wear century and has allowed the HIV virus to be spread internationally. Although HIV and AIDS are found in all parts of the world, some areas are more afflicted than others. The worst affected region is sub-Saharan Africa, where in a few countries more than one in five adults is infect with HIV. The epidemic is spreading most rapidly in Eastern atomic number 63 and Central Asia, where the number of people living with HIV increased by 250 percent between 2001 and 2010. Many Western countries, such as the UK, have increasing rates of HIV transmission through straightaway sex. In America, where more than a million people are living with HIV, hetero inner sex accounts for one third of new diagnoses. (Averting HIV and AIDS, 2011) Although it is known how to obstruct and treat HIV and AIDS, too few people have doorway to the necessary services.With access to prevention tools such as HIV education, condoms, overbold needles, and programs to prevent mother-to-child transmission the epidemic is improving in some countries. (Center of infirmity Control and Prevention, 2014) Political and cultural attitudes are significant regarding prevention for caseful some authorities are opposed to condom promotion, while others go down to support needle exchanges for injecting drug users. Many are reluctant to pull up stakes young people with adequate education about sex and s exual heartyness. Another very serious issue is discrimination. People known to be living with HIV are often shunned or abused by community members, employers and even health workers. As well as causing much personal suffering, this sort of prejudice discourages people from seeking HIV testing, treatment and care, undermining efforts to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS. As recently as the 1970s, people were not aware of this deadly illness. Since then the global HIV/AIDS epidemic has become one of the greatest threats to human health and development.During this time research has been performed internationally regarding the science of HIV and AIDS, aswell as how to prevent and treat the disease. In 2011, an estimated16.8 billion dollars was spent on research, prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS in the United States alone, and 26 billion dollars internationally. (Sidibe, 2012) There is still no cure for HIV save HIV treatment has improved enormously since the mid-1990s. HIV-posit ive people who take a combination of antiretroviral drugs can expect to recover their health and live for numerous years without developing AIDS, as long as they keep winning the drugs every day.ReferencesAverting HIV and AIDS. (2011, June). Retrieved from avert.org. Center of Disease Control and Prevention. (2014, January 7). Retrieved from www.cdc.gov. Sidibe, M. (2012). UNAIDS decision maker Director. UNAIDS, 6-12.

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