
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Japan †United Arab Emirates Economic system Essay

The economy of a body politic is hugely pegged on zip fastener and tillage among other facets that characterize the growth of an economy. Energy is the dynamic index number of the developmental level of countries. Eastern Asian countries are currently at acceleration in economic growth. Energy has been a find out operator especi all toldy on the issue of renewable zip versus the crude petroleum usage in fueling these economies. The UAE is currently contemplating the development of peaceful atomic creator brawn that will be safe and impregnable. In fact, the US supports the UEA thermonuclear postal code procedure. japan imports 99% of its crude petroleum. lacquers expectence on import Fossil rock crude illustratively shows that in 2001, 50. 1% of all brawn sources came from oil, 16. 8% from coal and 13. 6% from natural muck up while nuclear cipher contri preciselyed 14. 4% of all of lacquers energy needs (ENS, 2006). Thus, due to the above shortcomings, japan ha d to seek a new energy source and this led to adoption of renewable energy. The kingdom is a draw in wind energy, solar energy and hydro energy. In fact, the republic hopes that by 2020, just about 20% of its internal energy usage ought to be sourced from renewable energy sources.In the event of oil depletion, UAE should be ready to choose between nuclear or renewable energy and at the alike(p) avoid Japans previous mistakes. culture in UAE and its uniqueness This field in UAE includes the populous look for which was a non-critical part of the economy contributing slight than 2% of the GDP in 1990s but now is a big part of the economy. For many another(prenominal) age now, the hold for agricultural produce in UAE has been rising steadily (Al-Abed et al, 2006). In this manner, the availability of capital and the above stated demand reserve supply the agricultural field in the UAE.The major earth areas include Diqdaqah in reticular activating system al Khaymah, Al A wir in Dubayy, the coastal areas of Fujayrah and Falaj al Umm al Qaywayn among other astray recognized areas. In UAE, most of the farm land is pro-occupied by date palms (Al-Abed et al, 2006). These crops are cultivated in the bowing of small oasis that constitutes the Al Liwa Oasis. The federal and the emi tread g all all overnments are a positive force on the high proliferation of land in UAE. This is because the government is widely known to offer about 50% subsidy on fertilizer and seeds among other farm inputs.Moreover, loans are granted are offered by the very(prenominal) government to interested farmers for the purchase of machinery. a) Institutions that run Agriculture in UAE Agriculture in the once a abdicate UAE is more(prenominal) organized more than possibly other places that do not experience the advanced desert weather like conditions of UAE. This is due to the efficient and effective agricultural administrative units that run this now very recognized sector among government quarters. The UAE has over 40 agricultural extension units which are practicable (Al-Abed et al, 2006).In addition, the UAE has many experimental farms and agricultural research stations. Illustratively, the number of farmers in the earlier years of 1970s change magnitude from a mere 4000 to almost 20,000 in the later(a) 1980s. In the late 1970s to mid 1980s, agricultural performance increase in the UAE. The number has been increasing and could be at 200,000 currently. However, the UAE sometimes is strained to import most of its diet requirements. For instance, in early 1990s, UAE practically imported 70% of its food requirements. )Challenges of res publica in the UAE Despite the above stipendiary figures on the kind of agribusiness in the UEA, the region faces a dash number of challenges than other traditional agricultural areas like Brazil and the US. The deficiency of cultivatable land, high temperatures, regular locust swarms and quite unpredictable pissing sources are major set backs for agriculture in the UAE (Al-Abed et al, 2006). For instance, the contraction of the arable farm land is linked to the drying of electric resistance aquifers, a reason wherefore body of water tables are continuously lowering.The decreasing water tables set about an astonish impact on the increasing the salinity of soils and water making culture an unprofitable economic activity (Hurreiz, 2002). The increased creation of more farming areas is also credited with increased clearing of land to farm, a contributor to increased loss of surface water. This has unfortunately oblige some farms to cultivation down. In the 1980s, a federal authority was created to control the exploration of underground water through boreholes though many farms have continuously opted for the same to supplement any aquifer waters. c) Variety of agricultural products in the UAEThe agricultural sector possibly supplies the country with significant amount of of impor t vegetable crops. The main vegetables that the agricultural arable farming produces include Tomatoes, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Squash and eggplant. It is at Ras al Khaymah that most of the vegetables that support the countrys vegetable provide come from. As mentioned, date palms are grown in the UAE. some other fruits include citrus fruits and Mangoes. Illustratively, a canning plant in Al Ayn has a capacity of processing 120 tons a day (Hurreiz, 2002). For instance, in 1989, municipalated fowl farms provided about 70% of local requirements for eggs and 45% of poultry meat.In 1991, over 73,000 tons of milk was processed, meeting 92% of the country demands. d) Government parturiencys in Promoting Agriculture in UAE The government supports traditional search in the rich waters off the UAE. This is a major effort in raising livelihoods. Moreover, the government provides a 50% subsidy on fishing boats and equipment and has further built marine workshops that provide free pay off a nd maintenance of boats. Cooperatives assist fishermen in marketing the fish. Agriculture in Japan and its uniqueness In Japan, agriculture and arable farming is less exceedingly developed in comparison to Brazil or the US.In fact, about only 15% of the countrys land is cultivatable. In Japan, the sector is highly subsidized and protected by the government. Agriculture, fishing and forestry historically have tended to dominate the countrys economy until the 1940s. For instance, in 1945, the industry provided physical exertion for about 50% of the work force (King, 2004). The number has been contracting expectantly to about 7. 2% in 1988. Food control policy in the 1950s that assured farmers get high prices from selling to the government increased farmers involvement in farming. Livestock farming is negligible in Japan.The desire to get involved in beef farming was as a result of the comparatively higher returns compared to the dairy sector. The dairy sector is more developed in Hokkaido, Iwate, Tohoku and Kyusu. a) Fishing in Japan Historically, Japan is known as a innovation leader in the industry. For instance, in 1989, the country was second to China in fish production with 11. 9M. The tonnage for the production has been steady over the years (King, 2004). Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo is the hub for Japans fishing industry and is among the knowledge bases leading markets for fresh, frozen and processed seafood.In Japan, fish farming applied science is highly advanced and involves aquaculture and sea farming. The country has above 2000 fishing ports which include among others Nagasaki, Kushiro, Otaru and Abashiri (King, 2004). Comparable features in Agriculture in Japan and UAE First, the 2 countries have intense reliance on fish farming. Though the Japanese have extensive inland and overseas fishing projects, UEA has mostly painted internal fishing projects. Secondly, the governments of Japan and UAE have played a key role in accelerating Agricult ure in their respective countries (King, 2004).For instance, while UAE provides up to 50% in capital, Japans government has a defensive and subsidized sector. Another common feature is that in the dickens counties, agriculture is not recognized as a huge contributor to the GDP. The two countries further have a number of agricultural products. Overview of atomic energy Nuclear power plays a vital role in the food and agriculture sectors, medicine and power generation. Nuclear power has the same social structure like other power plants but differ in that they put on energy from nuclear fission to produce electricity.The energy is very promiscuous if well designed, well built, operated and managed. On vital aspect of this type of energy is that it lacks atmospheric emissions or pollution, it is compact and produces less wastes which is confined and self degradable. accounting of Nuclear energy use in UAE Since independence in 1971, the UAE took great interest in achieving a hig h economic growth and urbanization. This has do the traditional sources of energy including oil and natural gas to quadruple in the last 20 years making UAEs energy use of goods and services per capita income the highest in the world.This ideally meant that carbon emission increased double shut down and escalated 10 times that emitted by developed countries and the global annual emissions independently (Kazim, 2007). In order to avoid over reliance on oil as was the case with Japan, UAE has sought international cooperation and financial aid in growing renewable energy as well as nuclear energy. In January 2009, Japan and UAE signed a bi-lateral cooperation with US in developing non-proliferation, secure and safe use of nuclear energy (Khaleej, 2009). Additionally, the UAE signed a mistakable agreement with UK and Japan.The Japan Nuclear bi-lateral nuclear agreement is a cardinal year contract starting 2008. The Middle-Eastern country is emerging as a leader in the use of nucl ear energy. UAE is readiness to establish nuclear plants that will see it meet a power demand of up to 40,000 MWe by 2020 (Burgermeister, 2009). This last is a major alter in avoiding polarizing as economy dependent on oil Energy which is sensitive to fluctuations in Oil prices. The Japan-UAE nuclear cooperation entails Japan assisting the UAE in facilitating the use of nuclear power.Secondly, the prep on nuclear skills, infrastructure and human resource development and assistance in nuclear safety are other areas of Japans aid to UAE (Khaleej, 2009). In addition, aid will be provided in protective cover and radioactive waste management as well the protection of nuclear sites. Free Energy use in UAE The UAE is a key mainstay in the renewable energy sector. The country has been bidding to host the international Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). IRENA which is comprised of 78 countries was formed in January 2009.The body has on its charter plans to lead its member states in col ligation in distributing intimacy, initiating and implementing development frameworks and leading the world to adoption of renewable energy (Khaleej, 2009). For UAE to become the headquarters, it has to demonstrate leadership in free energy use in the world. This is a seat that could go to a developing country like UAE. By hosting IRENA headquarters, it shows the world that UAE in sharing knowledge and expertise in renewable energy. UAE is posed to become the next leader in solar energy.Fossils fuels are depleting at a faster rate than new ones can be created. UAE is aware of this and in a persist likely to prevent it from making the mistake Japan did, it is leading in investment heavily in free energy sectors of electricity, wind energy, Nuclear energy and solar energy (Middle East Electricity, 2009). UAE is widely expectant that demand in future can out strip supply (Dahl, 1999). thus currently, the authorities in the Middle East are getting forced to review their energy polic y in a move is tell at founding more assurance in renewable energy sources.The move to invest in renewable energy sources is in linage with assurance of energy sources in case fossil fuel waste is coupled with the need to invest in fuels that either emit less green house gases (Burgermeister, 2009). Nuclear energy for instance is environment amiable provided that it is well operated, managed and secured. In fact, the UAE has a great potential to exploit wind, water and photovoltaic power. Ideally, given the unrivalled expertise in hydrocarbons, the UAE is the possible world leader in renewable energy and environment caring. In deed, Abu Dhabis Masdar city plans to spend $ 2 billion on solar technology.Moreover, Abu Dhabi is investing $15bn in a hydrogen plant (Middle East Electricity, 2009). For Saudi Arabia, it is planning to become a leading research center in solar energy and possibly an exporter of solar related technology. UAE holds almost 8. 5% and 3. 3% the worlds oil an d natural gas reserves but plans to invest about $10 bn to advancing renewable energy close in of depletion of fossil (Burgermeister, 2009The History of Nuclear power use in Japan Since 1956, Japan has been on a pathway to reducing its reliance on overseas energy sources through progress in Nuclear power use to provide energy for its production units (Pikket, 2002).The countrys committedness is seen in the various treaties that it has signed with other countries. Ideally, there are social issues that challenge Japans pursuit of nuclear power. The future of Japans Nuclear power is further complicated by domestic and international pressures to enhance safety and security (Kazim, 2007). However, the pursuit was generally fueled by the 1970s oil crisis. In Japan, the environmental problems resulting from energy production, change and utilization have increased the awareness in possibly all sectors ranging from public, industry and government (Dahl, 1999).The risk of climate change an d the desire to move to a cleaner fuel was one reason towards a shift from reliance on crude oil. Japan discovered that large nuclear plants were both technologically and economically most reliable techniques of replacing fossil fuel over-reliance in production of electricity (Pikket, 2002). Similarity of Japan and UAE on Nuclear Energy Despite the above different historical development on the use and proliferation of Nuclear energy, the two countries faced intense domestic and international pressure to ensure that they comply with the set regulations on the use of the Nuclear energy (Kazim, 2007).For instance, Japan was required to assure that its over populated nation would be safe from the emissions of uranium. Secondly, the two nations use the technology to reduce over reliance on fossil fuels (Al-Abed et al, 2006). Crude oil prices have a fluctuating characteristic that puts many nations that basically depend on it at jeopardy should an increase in prices increase. The 1970s oi l crisis serves to remind all nations how dependence on oil can rattling affect economies (Kazim, 2007).

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